How can I heat up my love life while trying to get pregnant?

Having difficulties conceiving can surround your sex life with a significant amount of stress and pressure. Infertility can be physically and emotionally draining, and takes its toll on any relationship. Active intimacy and sex in a couple is important to strengthen your bond and keep that spark alive! Here are some tips for the bedroom

Posted on December 17, 2014 .

Feeling Stressed at Work?

Stress takes a toll on the body, and while often unavoidable, good coping mechanisms can make it easier to get through that stressful day. If you’re particularly overwhelmed at work, take a moment to become aware of your thoughts and feelings, validated them, and then seek support to express these emotions in a suitable manner. Set priorities and goals, these often help you visualize and prioritize what your focus should be, and then use time management skills to get those goals accomplished. Naturopathic medicine can help you get your life back on track. 

Posted on December 15, 2014 .

Why am I so tired?

Fatigue is one of the most common diagnoses given. It is a sign of many different conditions, ranging from not getting enough sleep to hormone imbalance, anemia and more. It is important to take care of yourself to keep these problems and fatigue in check, and also to check in with your doctor regularly to rule out possible serious complications that fatigue is often a sign of. 

So how much energy should I have?

With healthy functioning, you should have enough energy to get through your day and accomplish what you need to do!

What can I do to get more energy?

Get plenty of sleep, as sleep is required for maintaining energy.  Develop healthy sleep hygiene, including turning off most lights, electronics (that cell phone!) and TV before going to bed.

Exercise! There are little “energy-producing factories” your cells called mitochondria. They are responsible for producing energy for every single chemical reaction in your body for you to function. When you exercise, you build more of these “factories” and then have the potential to create more energy!

Eat foods that boost energy. This includes foods that have high amount of B vitamins including bananas, chicken, fish (low in environmental toxins), lentils, nuts, and avocados.

Drink half your weight in water in ounces every day.


Check in with your doctor if your fatigue continues as you may have a condition that can be addressed so that you can have the energy you want and deserve! 

Posted on December 10, 2014 .

Your Food, Healthier: 3 Easy Ways to Avoid Consuming Chemicals

Environmental toxins are associated with infertility, autoimmunity, cancer, PCOS, endometriosis and more. Avoiding these chemicals is one of the essential steps to getting to adequate health. Here are 3 tips that will allow you to avoid these health-harming chemicals daily.

1. Wash your produce thoroughly. In general it is best to buy organic, especially the dirty dozen, but if it is not in the budget, then was your fruits and veggies with a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water. This has been shown to wash the pesticides off.

2. Store your leftover food in glass. Plastics containers often contain chemicals that can leach into your food and interfere with your hormones among many other bad effects in the body! Store your leftovers in glass or ceramic containers instead, if this isn’t possible, then be sure to avoid heating or microwaving any food in plastic, the heat encourages the transfer of plastic particles to your food

3.  Stay away from Teflon and other non-stick pans, they release toxic chemicals into the air, including agents used as chemical warfare. Swap the no-stick option out for alternatives including glass, stainless steel, or cast iron.


Posted on December 4, 2014 .

The Seven Minute Work-Out

The NY Times released an app for a 7-minute workout, designed to get you moving without the stress of the gym. Its taken the excuses out of exercising.  It incorporates high intensity training over the course of seven minutes, designed to get your heart rate up and your fat cells burning, fast. 

Even these few minutes of training at a high intensity produces cellular level changes within the muscles that can help lower blood sugar, build strength, and improve endurance. 

Check it out! 

Posted on November 27, 2014 .

Food Additives

Food additives and their effect on health have been a subject of controversy, and while these substances are described as “generally safe” by the Food and Drug Administration, they are often banned in other countries for their detrimental health effects. Additives can be toxic chemicals that can give rise to a number of symptoms, chronic diseases, and infertility.

Posted on November 24, 2014 .

A "Detox" Explained

We live in a world filled with more pollution than ever, and even at low levels, these pollutants can affect your health. These toxicants can act in an unfortunate variety of ways in the body including disrupting hormones, brain function, and immune system.  Specific toxins have even been linked to endometriosis, ADHD, depression, insomnia, high blood pressure, asthma, infertility, Parkinson’s disease and breast cancer.